Golden Lily Trophy
In 2020, De Jong Lilies is celebrating its 60-year jubilee and is the setting for the opening of the tenth Dutch Lily Days.
Golden Lily Trophy
There’s gold in lilies!
Where and when?
A lily forcer who finds a trophy can contact their supplier or De Jong Lilies directly. We not only have to wait to see where the trophies are found, there’s also a when element. Because lilies can be planted all year-round, it is certainly possible that a trophy will not be found until December 2020.
Via its website and social media, De Jong Lilies will keep everyone informed of where and when the trophies are found. Naturally, De Jong Lilies hopes that the traveller’s cheques will be used to visit the Dutch Lily Days, but the winner is free to decide what to do with the prize.
Everyone working in the lily sector will tell you that these are not easy times. Bulb prices are under pressure, and the global demand for lilies seems to be stagnating. Thus, the title of this article, ‘There’s gold in lilies’, appears a bit strange given the current state of the market. But for 2020 it’s really true. There’s gold in the lilies of De Jong Lilies in Andijk.
In 2020, De Jong Lilies is celebrating its 60-year jubilee and is the setting for the opening of the tenth Dutch Lily Days. That is why the company is organising an amusing action, with the aim to attract more customers.
Hidden trophy
Hidden among the bulbs packed by De Jong Lilies from the 2019 harvest are a gold, silver and bronze trophy. Not even employees of De Jong Lilies know which crates contain the trophies, so it’s an exciting wait to see where in the world the trophies will resurface. The finder of a trophy will receive a traveller’s cheque worth €1,500 (gold), €750 (silver) and €250 (bronze).