De Jong Lelies news #DJLupdate
The bulbs are planted and the greenhouse is full. The first lilies are already popping up! 🌱🌸 Spring has arrived, and it feels like everything is slowly coming back to life.
We are honored to open the Dutch Lily Days on Tuesday, June 3rd, and we can’t wait to welcome you! 💚 Come and discover the most beautiful blooming lilies! #DutchLilyDays #DJLupdate #spring #flowers #lilies #lilium
We’re currently hard at work sieving our treated summer scales. It’s quite an intensive task since the bulbs have grown well. Over the past few years, we’ve gradually been switching from 2-year scales to summer scales for our Orientals and OT’s. The main reason for this change is to avoid the risk of frost damage with the 2-year scales. 🌱💪 #DJLupdate #Scales #Crop2025 #Orientals #SummerScales #GrowingStrong #Lilies
🌷✨ Packing the last bulbs of crop 2024 today! 🎉 We look back on a beautiful and successful lily season. The conditions have been great, and the quality speaks for itself! 💪🌱 A big shout-out to our growers and suppliers – we couldn’t have done it without you! 🙌💐
#DJLupdate #LilySeason #Harvest2024 #Crop2024 #QualityMatters #Teamwork 🌸🚜
🌷✨ *Lilies in Full Bloom!* ✨🌷
This week, we`re showcasing a beautiful, wide assortment of lilies at CNB in Lisse! Stop by to experience the colors and fragrances and discover the variety in our selection, including various pollenfree varieties. You can admire them until Friday – don’t miss out! 💐💫 #DJLupdate #Lilies #CNBLisse #Pollenfree #liberlilies #Liber
🌸🚛 The first lily bulbs have arrived! We`re ready to process these bulbs with care so they can grow into the most beautiful flowers for customers around the world. This is always an exciting moment for our team, as it marks the start of a new season! 🌱🌸 #DJLupdate #excited #crop2024 #lilycultivation #firstdelivery #lilies #qualityfirst #newharvest #hardworkingteam
🚜🌱 Over the past few days, we`ve visited the lily fields of our suppliers to carefully assess the quality of the crops. By visiting our suppliers and monitoring the growing conditions, we can ensure that the lily bulbs meet our high standards 🔍🌱 We`re always vigilant in spotting potential issues early, working together to guarantee that our customers receive only the best bulbs! 🌸💪 #lilycultivation #qualityfirst #fieldinspection #crop2024 #lilies #topquality
🎉 Hip, hip, hooray for Jenny de Groot! 🎉 Today, she celebrates an incredible 40 years with us at De Jong Lelies! 🌺✨
Jenny, our amazing assistant to the breeder, has been an essential part of our team since 1984. Known for her bubbly personality and quick wit, she always brings joy and laughter 😄💬
Thank you for everything you do, Jenny! Here`s to many more years of success and fun! 🥂🌟
#DJLupdate #CheersToJenny #40Years #DeJongLelies #WorkAnniversary #teamspirit
🎉 Today, we celebrate a remarkable milestone at De Jong Lelies! 🎉 Our colleague Peter Jansma marks his 40th anniversary with us! 🥳 Starting as a young lad in 1984, he has become the technical mastermind of our company. Congratulations, Peter! 👏🌟
#DJL update #Anniversary #40Years #Congrats #TeamDeJongLelies
🌷 The lilies are looking great right now! 🌸 We do see differences between the early and late planted lilies. There`s plenty of rain, sometimes even too much, so we don`t need to irrigate much 🌧️ Ideally, the temperature could be a bit higher ☀️ Meanwhile, we`re busy selecting and starting to top the first lilies. During lily cultivation, the flower buds are removed so that more energy goes to the bulb, helping it grow bigger 🌱🌼
#DJLupdate #lilycultivation #flowers #lilies #bulbproduction #plantlove #lily 🌿🌺
🌞🏐 Afgelopen zaterdag hebben we deelgenomen aan het Beachvolleybal toernooi van het Dorpshuis in Andijk! Wat een geweldige dag vol sportiviteit, plezier en zon! We hebben hard gestreden en genoten van elk moment. Dank aan alle supporters en de fantastische organisatie. Tot volgend jaar! 💪✨
#DJLupdate #Beachvolleybal #Andijk #DorpshuisAndijk #Sportiviteit #Teamwork #Toernooi #Volleybal #Gezelligheid #volgendekeerbeter
🌱 Altijd al eens je eigen bloem willen creëren? Dan is dit je kans! 🌿 Wij zijn op zoek naar een enthousiaste scholier/ student om ons te helpen bij de veredeling van onze lelies van eind mei t/m juli! 🌾 Dit is een geweldige kans om ervaring op te doen en te werken binnen een gezellig team 🌞 Heb jij groene vingers en kan jij nauwkeurig werken? Neem dan snel contact met ons op! Email: 💼
#djlupdate #zomerbaantje #Veredeling #GroeneVingers #StudentenVacature
Last week we finally managed to start planting our lilies! Due to the wet weather of the past period, we have to seize the days when we can plant. Unfortunately, this week it`s raining again, and we can`t do anything. We`re hoping for a longer dry period so the land can dry out 🌧️🌱 #LeliesPlanten #RegenachtigWeer #DrogePeriodeGewenst